Isa // Lord of Crows // MCAF 2024 E35 Profile picture
Isa / bi ace ink witch (her/they) ♊️ Co-creator of the webcomics Namesake, Crow Time & Trinket @Hiveworks 🐝 / Agent: @Grahamophones.

Jun 13, 2021, 7 tweets

Do you need wizard references?
Google orchestra conductors.

Literally all of these are summoning something.

There's also a range from tranquil witch to demented wizard that just awoke from 1000 years of sleep.

Thank you and good night.

Well this tweet is gone, so please read my comic it's full of witches and I definitely used conductors as references a lot. (

So many of the responses are "yes, look at my favorite conductor, they are definitely a fire user" and "hhhgggnnnn conductors hot??? SINCE WHEN????"

Adding to this thread because their ad photos are also good for that sweet cover art. Like every newspaper be like pose with your sticky stick thing. Yesss.

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