The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Jun 14, 2021, 7 tweets

.@julie_kelly2 tells @marklevinshow The American people need to know Joe Biden‘s justice department is holding political prisoners in a jail in Washington DC. It was opened to hold Jan 6 defendants that was denied bail. This is a political prosecution against Trump supporters.

.@julie_kelly2 says They’ve been referring to this as an armed insurrection but not one person has been charged with carrying or using firearm inside the capital that day. The government has charged about three dozen cases of what they claim are weapons.

.@julie_kelly2 says she hasn’t seen any white supremacist or in a racist language in the court documents.

.@julie_kelly2 says this is the same justice department that is actively dropping the charges against Portland rioters for far worse crimes committed last year.

.@julie_kelly2 says it’s really important for people to understand these people are in jail on pretrial detention orders that have been requested by the justice department and signed off by federal judges in DC.

.@julie_kelly2 says there was so many missteps that day and we don’t know if that was intentional or accidental.

.@julie_kelly2 says we have a right to know what @SpeakerPelosi did but unfortunately we never will. They will never get to the bottom of it and another question we need answers to is why do they keep lying about what happened.

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