sbcotton Profile picture

Jun 14, 2021, 8 tweets

@SBCExecComm We know you’re busy taking the ship but please stop and listen to those you’ve tried to cancel. #sbctoo #sbc21 #sbc2021 #taketheship

Maintaining the base may seem important...

But maintaining the base isn’t more important than someone like her. She told you about her abuse but you left her to drown...

You say prolife from womb to tomb. Do what is right to protect the children...

@SBCExecComm @_PPatterson_ Remember for the right side to win this time we must listen to and work along side our brothers and sisters of color...

@SBCExecComm @PastorMikeStone Be men of integrity. Do what is right in the open and in the secret place (Proverbs 10:9) #sbctoo #sbc21 #sbc2021

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