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Jun 14, 2021, 5 tweets

Israel has sworn in a new coalition gov’t led by right-wing nationalist Naftali Bennett, ending Netanyahu’s 12-year rule.

Bennett will serve as PM for two years before being replaced by centrist Yair Lapid

“Regardless of the shape of the government in Israel … It is an occupation and a colonial entity.” - Hamas spokesman

World leaders react to Israel’s new gov’t as Palestinians see little prospect for change

Palestinian groups have dismissed the change in Israel's gov't, saying new PM Naftali Bennett is likely to pursue the same right-wing agenda as Netanyahu

Who is in Israel’s new government?

The coalition is made up of political parties that have little in common other than their opposition to former PM Netanyahu

Israel's new gov’t approves the right-wing and pro-settler “March of the Flags” through occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh describes the planned march as ‘a provocation of our people’

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