David Forrester Profile picture
Retired solicitor. Byzantium, politics, food, novels, history, architecture, theatre, art & red wine.

Jun 14, 2021, 15 tweets

Thomsonesque tenements, Mill Street Alloa by Adam Frame (1874) #Alloa /

Alloa Sheriff Court. Appeared here a few times. 1863-64 in French Gothic /

Doorway of Art Deco former cafe “Fusco’s” 1921/

Jacobean style building of 1926 by William Kerr; county motto “look about ye” above doorway /

Saint Mungo’s Catholic Church #Alloa (1960)

Former Liberal Club (1904) Mar Street #Alloa by William Kerr. Good stained glass by Oscar Paterson in the first floor Windows. Those were the days. Campbell-Bannerman was the local MP /

Alloa Tower (14th century in origin) seat of the Erskines of Mar it has lost its adjoining mansionhouse/

View to the Forth from #Alloa Tower /

Restored Ceiling in the #Alloa Tower /

Model of Alloa Tower with its 18th century mansionhouse ( destroyed by fire) to the right. Would have been impressive /

Doorway Alloa Tower/

Old Kirk (1680) and Mar & Kellie Mausoleum #Alloa /

House by Tobias Bauchop (1685) Kirkgate, #Alloa /

Detail of carving, said to be of ‘Auld Nick’ /

Original Mercat Cross of #Alloa by Bauchop (1690) ends.

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