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I tweet about NFTs and Web3. Co-Founder @GenCityLabs & @NFHeroes.

Jun 14, 2021, 8 tweets

Losing money in GAS WARS sucks. 😤

Here's a tutorial on HOW TO STOP. ⬇️

Once you hit 'MINT' via the project website, Metamask pops up with the DEFAULT transaction settings loaded.

STEP #1: Immediately hit 'EDIT'.

STEP #2: Hit the 'FAST' gas option.

🚨 Note: For heavily hyped drops, this will NOT be fast enough. It just sets up the gas for the next step - read on.

STEP #3: Then hit 'ADVANCED'

STEP 4: Adjust the 'GAS PRICE'. What you select here depends on the degree of hype surrounding the drop.

You will learn through experimentation, but ⬆️ by 50-80 GWEI is usually safe.


STEP #5: Hit 'ACTIVITY' to see your pending transaction.

If it doesn't go through SOON, proceed ⬇️.

STEP #6: Hit 'SPEED UP' which takes you back to STEP 4. Increase the gas price even further.

If you transaction still doesn't confirm quickly, you need to increase the gas again.

Unfortunately the 'SPEED UP' button is gone.☹️

STEP #7: CLICK ON the transaction top open up a dialog box. At the bottom you'll find another 'SPEED UP' button.

Repeat as above.

HOORAY - you should have successfully minted your NFT. 🥳🎉

If you found this useful, please:
• Retweet so that your friends don't lose money.
• Hit 'follow' for more NFT related content.

P.S. 10k laughing Chihuahuas dropping soon. 🤣

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