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Jun 14, 2021, 5 tweets

Your silence is your approval.

Shamshad became Amit Gurjar to trap a single mother, Priya.
He brought Priya and her daughter home and was living together.
Shamshad KILLED Priya and her daughter both when she got know Shamshad's real identity.

Your silence is your approval.
Mohammed Shaqib pretended to be a "devout Hindu", Aman, to trap a Hindu girl.
Girl left her family with 25 Lakhs rupees to live with 'Aman'.
Later Shaqib's family KILLED her.
Shaqib kept her whatsapp active to avoid any suspicion.

Your silence is your approval.

Sheikh Sultan hides his identiy to trap a Hindu girl.

Girl's family was ready for marriage but they called it off when they came to know that Sheikh Sultan is pretending to be a Hindu.

Sheikh Sultan KILLED HER.

Your silence is your approval.
Abdullah creates a facebook ID with name of Aman Chaudhary.
Abdullah uses a wig to trap a minor girl.
He kidnapped her and RAPED her.
When police caught him, they found that he already had 3 wives and 4 kids.

Your silence is your approval.

Priya married Ejaz Khan against the wish of her family. Ejaz was pressuring her to convert when she refused to convert, Ejaz and his friend Shoaib took her to the forest and KILLED HER.

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