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Jun 15, 2021, 13 tweets

this keyboard may need to be cleaned.

textured dirt

let's try a melamine sponge and a little water

that cleaned up quite nicely!

much better

even the edge is nasty, wow

it's an IBM model F from 1984, so it has many years (and layers) of encrustation.

how do you get dirt on the *sides* of the keys? it's impressive, actually

neat! the circuit board inside has an SLT module inside (technically MST since it's probably a monolithic IC inside)

soapy water and the melamine sponge took care of most of the dirt on the case.

this stuff might be paint? fingernail polish? maybe red ink from a ballpoint pen?

pulled off all the key caps. time to make salsa

here's the key cap salsa. ingredients: water, filthy nasty key caps. season with dish detergent crystals.

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