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Jun 15, 2021, 10 tweets

πŸ†• WHO report warns that the informal processing of discarded electrical or electronic devices (#eWaste) can damage the health of millions of children.

Learn more about children & digital dumpsites πŸ‘‰

Common #eWaste items include unwanted or discarded:

πŸ–¨οΈ printers
🎧 headphones
πŸ“± smartphones
πŸ–₯️ computers
πŸ“· digital cameras

They usually contain toxic substances and must be recycled appropriately. πŸ‘‰

In 2019, the world produced 53.6 million tonnes of #eWaste. But only 17% of those reached formal management or recycling systems.

Informal e-waste can pollute & contaminate:

❗️ air
❗️ soil & dust
❗️ water
❗️ ground water

More info πŸ‘‰

Children are exposed to #eWaste toxicants through

1⃣ skin exposure
2⃣ inhalation
3⃣ ingestion
4⃣ transplacental exposure

Action is urgently needed to protect the health & abilities of our future generation. Here's how πŸ‘‰

In 2016, more than 1⃣8⃣ million children (5-17 yrs) are actively engaged in the informal industrial sector or living near #eWaste recycling centres where high levels of toxic chemicals can damage their intellectual abilities.

Informal #eWaste recycling may cause adverse health effects in children, including

🚨 lung function & respiratory effects
🚨 impaired neurodevelopment & behaviour
🚨 increased risk of some chronic diseases
🚨 DNA damage

& many more πŸ‘‰

Up to 1⃣2⃣ million women may be at risk from exposure to informal waste activities, putting them & their unborn child at risk of exposure to toxicants.

For expectant mothers 🀰, potential adverse health effects include negative birth outcomes. πŸ‘‰ #eWaste

Be wise about #eWaste and follow the 3Rs to protect the health of our future generation from the growing threat of e-waste:


There is more you can do, find out how πŸ‘‰

WHO calls for effective & binding action by exporters, importers and governments to ensure environmentally sound disposal of e-waste & protect the health & safety of workers, their families & communities.

Be wise about #eWaste πŸ‘‰

You can dispose e-waste in different healthy ways:

♻️ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
♻️ Put old electronics in designated bins
♻️ Replace when necessary
♻️ Organize e-waste collection days
♻️ Recycle via take-back systems

Be wise about #eWaste!

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