Dennis S Brotman 🇺🇸 🟧🟦 #DemCast #DemCastGA ☮️ Profile picture
The Constitution Is Our Common Commitment To Human Rights. We The People. No one can take away our rights. Retired Civil Trial Lawyer #BidenHarris4More

Jun 16, 2021, 15 tweets

Sept. 30, 1919: Elaine Massacre /1

A white mob shot at them, and the farmers returned fire in self-defense. News of the confrontation spread and a massacre ensued, leaving more than 100 (estimates up to 800) African Americans dead……

Elaine Massacre 1919 /2
67 AfAms ndicted for inciting violence, and 12 Black sharecroppers (the Elaine 12) sentenced to death.

Not only were African Americans massacred, they were also blamed for the event and charged with murder.
Elaine Massacre defendants

Elaine Massacre 1919 /3

The Elaine Massacre occurred at the end of Red Summer of 1919 — a series of brutal attacks on African Americans in more than three dozen cities including Chicago, Washington, D.C., Norfolk, Knoxville, and more cities.

The Elaine Massacre 1919 /4

The Red Summer of 1919 is barely mentioned in textbooks.
The racist riots of 1919 happened 100 yrs ago..Confronting a natl epidemic of white mob violence,1919 was a time when Black people defended themselves, fought back, &demanded full citizenship..

Elaine Massacre 1919 /5

Sept. 19, 1868: Camilla Massacre

As African Americans marched peacefully in response to their expulsion from elected office, more than a dozen were massacred near Albany, Georgia.

Elaine Massacre 1919 /6

Sept. 28, 1868: Opelousas Massacre

In response to the promotion of voter registration, a KKK like group massacred hundreds of people, most who were African American.

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Oct. 25, 1868: St. Bernard Parish Massacre

The St. Bernard Parish (Louisiana) massacre of African Americans was carried out by white men to terrorize the recently emancipated voters.

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Aug. 5, 1896: Polk County Massacre

White workers murdered Black workers in Arkansas who were coming to work on the railways.

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Aug. 14, 1908: Springfield Massacre

Springfield Massacre was committed against African Americans by a mob of about 5,000 white people in Springfield, Illinois.

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Genocide in East Texas: A History of the Slocum Massacre
July 29, 1910, Slocum Massacre—the racially charged murders by whites on the Black population of Slocum, Texas, and the subsequent cover-up of a community’s violent history.

Elaine Massacre 1919 /11

May 31, 1921: Tulsa Massacre

In what became known as the Tulsa Massacre, white supremacists destroyed a thriving Black community in Oklahoma. This is one of countless white supremacist massacres in U.S. history.

Elaine Massacre 1919 /12

Jan. 1, 1923: Rosewood Massacre

The Rosewood Massacre was the white supremacist destruction of a Black town and the murder of many of its residents.

Elaine Massacre 1919 /13

Zinn Education Project…

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