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I tweet about NFTs and Web3. Co-Founder @GenCityLabs & @NFHeroes.

Jun 16, 2021, 9 tweets

Lots of people got burned by the .@super_yeti reveal. 🔥

Thread: What happened, and how to LEVEL UP your contract READ skills.

What happened:

At reveal, the team updates metadata and OS refreshes to load the images/attributes.

🚨 This process is SLOW, and is NOT the devs fault. 🚨

Some people accessed the contract directly to read the metadata and snipe valuable traits before they revealed on OS.

How to see the metadata:

STEP #1: Under your item on OS, CLICK Details.

STEP #2: Remember the TOKEN ID, and CLICK on the contract address link.

This takes you to Etherscan, an incredible resource if you know how to use it. Time invested here is worthwhile.

Today we learn to READ from the contract.

STEP #3: Click on CONTRACT.


STEP #5: SCROLL DOWN the list of functions until you find tokenURI method. This is usually a standard method in ERC-721 contracts.

STEP #6: Enter your TOKEN ID from before, hit QUERY and copy the LINK into a new browser window.

NOTE: The return string here will be different in each project, depending on how the contract is set up.

STEP #6: Examine the metadata received. Here you can see the rarity attributes, and a link to the image stored on IPFS.

That's it! Recap and lessons learned below ⬇️

1. OS refreshes slowly, and metadata can sometimes be accessed via Etherscan.

2. Reading from contracts is easy. 🎉 🥳

3. If you are flipping unrevealed items in a project, consider DELISTING right before reveal if you don't want this to happen to you.

If you found this useful, please:
• Retweet so that more people can level up their skills. 🔥
• Hit 'follow' for more NFT related content. 🙂
• Drop a comment if you'd like a tutorial on anything else in particular.

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