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Jun 16, 2021, 19 tweets

The Will of D. Analysis / Thread:

The first time we hear mention of the Will of D. Is in Drum Island. Kureha talks to Dolton about Roger's real name. Gol D. Roger.

"So the Will of D. Still lives?"

The next time we hear about 'D.' It's from Robin. After Luffy's initial defeat by Crocodile, she pulls him in the sand and asks him. Why do those with D in their name always fight?

Luffy is quite oblivious as to what the hell she's talking about

Robin is very fascinated

After this, we don't hear about it again until chapter 301. This is perhaps where we start to learn the most about the Will of D. And the set up for the plot line is established.

Still shrouded in mystery. Robin gives us a tease of what's to come.

Once again, after this, we got a good 200 chapters without hearing a word about it.

That is until Robin asks Rayleigh about it at Saboady!

This gives us a bit more context to the message left at Skypiea.

They learned the true history!

Some time before this, we get the flashback between Robin and Saul, where she questions him about the Void Century and Will of D. He warns her that it's a taboo subject and that the 'D.' initial is passed on through all members and generations of the family.

The family of D. Seem to be rare individuals who pass on the initial through their family but their origins is not known, even to them.

Many infamous people have this initial and hearing it brings fear to most.

"What's with this family?!"

Something very interesting to note, is that even people with the D. are more often than notm oblivious to the meaning of the name. Saul wasn't aware of it and Law even went so far as to ask Sengoku for more information.

Corazon had previously told Law that those with the D. Are considered to be "God natural enemy!"

Corazon warned Law to stay away from Doflamingo.

The 'Gods' in question are the Celestial Dragons

Back when Corazon and Doflamingo were Celestial children at Mariejois, they were told scare stories of taken by the dreaded D clan if they misbehaved.

Whenever another becomes known, the Elders are always concerned

They say, "The D. Will always cause another storm."

Corazon perhaps gives us the most actual information out of anyone so far. He goes on to explain that those with the initial D. Live in the shadows throughout the world and throughout history.

Perhaps no one knows the truth.

The Celestial Dragons fear those with the initial D. Because the will, 'always bring a storm.'

They fear the destruction of their world

We don't learn much more than this besides implications from people like Sengoku, who very interestingly, uses the same words as Law later does. "A checkered fate."

We don't get much more information than this and it would be a fitting place to draw the conclusions but we can't have a Will of D thread without addressing the fact that they do not fear death and the smiles.

From the very beginning of the story, we are introduced to the idea of not fearing death and being ok with it, because if you die trying to achieve your ambition, that's ok.

This is the most telling piece of information as to what the 'Will of D.' actually means.

We see throughout the story, that those with the initial D. Smile at the moment of their death.

To understand why, we have to look back at the words of Dr Hiriluk.

"A man dies when he is forgotten."

This quote, in combination with this one from chapter 100. Give us the best explanation of what the 'Will of D.' actually means.

Inherited will. ... Destiny ... Dreams. These are things that cannot be stopped!

To conclude. The Will of D. As far as we can currently explain it. Is the inheritance of will through generations. The idea is primarily that, those who hold the Will of D. Do not fear death, because "A man dies when people forget him." & There will always be those who inherit.

The 'Gods' or Celestial Dragons must fear those with the Initial D. and the storm that they will bring because it undoubtedly means an end to their power and 'god' status.

The truth will come out eventually.

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