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Zonal Office of Press Information Bureau @PIB_India, M/o Information & Broadcasting @MIB_India, Government of India, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Jun 16, 2021, 7 tweets

Govt. has decided to implement Mandatory Hallmarking of Gold in a phase-wise manner

It shall from into effect from today in 256 districts for 4, 18 and 22 carats of gold jewellery/artefacts

- DG, @IndianStandards Pramod Kumar Tiwari in a virtual press conference today

Any manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, distributor or retailer engaged in selling precious metal articles has to mandatorily get registered with @IndianStandards

Registration will be one-time and free of cost

: DG, @IndianStandards Pramod Kumar Tiwari

The hallmarking process to be computerized, with maintenance of complete trail of each job with date and time. Hallmark will include a 6-digit code along with @IndianStandards mark and purity. The software has been started from today

: DG, @IndianStandards Pramod Kumar Tiwari

Old jewellery without hallmark can still be sold to jewellers/jewellery shops, who will then be responsible for hallmarking it or making new jewellery from it by maintaining standards: DG, @IndianStandards Pramod Kumar Tiwari

@ddsahyadrinews @airnews_mumbai @airnews_pune

Consumers can lodge complaint and report about unregistered jewellery shops/jewellers using 'BIS Care' App or from @IndianStandards website: DG, BIS

Jewellers having a turnover below Rs 40 lakhs per annum have been given exemption in the Quality Control Order. But for the purpose of building trust and confidence, any jeweller can get registered for Mandatory Hallmarking: Additional Secretary, @jagograhakjago Ms Nidhi Khare

Jewellers cannot use their own mark, they have to use the @IndianStandards hallmark from now: DG, BIS

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