Neil Tester Profile picture
Chair @HWHertfordshire. Former Director @RichmondGroupOC and Deputy Director @HealthwatchE. Own views. RTs = interest only. 🏳️‍🌈

Jun 16, 2021, 9 tweets

1/9. The @NHSEngland design framework for ICSs has been out for under an hour, so this thread is what leaps out at me and I may gulp when I’ve read it in detail. But thanks to @DavidsonRoger for listening to what @RichmondGroup14 and others have fed in.…

2/9. I particularly like numbers 5 and 6 in the list of partnership principles for ICS Partnerships.

3/9. Section on NHS ICS Bodies’ responsibilities to arrange care provision provides a useful framing of the relationship with local government and voluntary sector in relation to people’s needs.

4/9. These bits are good news. I’ve been saying to @NHSEngland since I arrived at @RichmondGroup14 in 2019 that workforce development thinking needs to stretch not just to social care but to the voluntary sector too. This is the strongest statement they’ve ever made about that…

5/9. …and - Hallelujah - here’s the bit that highlights the need for ICSs to invest in community organisations and infrastructure. Sure @navca @sccoalition will be pleased. This is central to getting the right support for people with multiple conditions and tackling inequity.

6/9. Good to see recognition of what @RichmondGroup14 has been saying about need to ensure we don’t lose benefits of cancer alliances or stroke and other networks that will cut across ICS borders.

7/9. Clear statement about embedding VCSE sector in governance and across all work. Good to see my call for a new strategic partnership (…) echoing back.

8/9. Good to see a substantial section on this.

9.9. Maybe they should have this conclusion put onto T-shirts.

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