⭐️Amy Tarkanian⭐️ Profile picture
Mom of 4 | Former NVGOP Chairwoman | TV Political Pundit & Strategist | NVSOS Advisory Committee Member On Participatory Democracy

Jun 16, 2021, 6 tweets

Oh, I’m sure you really had Putin quaking in his boots with this question. 🙄

“Biden says he will invade Russia. By the way, that’s a joke.”

Can you please just not joke about that with a nuclear power, Joe?

Joe Biden says he can’t remember the last time two world leaders have ever met for more than two hours.

He then confuses his Secretary of State for Foreign Minister Lavrov.

Biden discusses January 6th while abroad, breaking once again with the norms of not discussing domestic politics abroad.

Once the pre-planned questions ended, Biden has a full-on meltdown and is unable to answer the questions which he is asked.

This is frightening.

Joe Biden returns to the stage and EXPLODES on a reporter. He then walks off without properly answering the question.

He took FAR FEWER questions than Putin.

This is insane behavior for a US President.

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