Tia⁷ is in ⟦B⟧⟦T⟧⟦S⟧⟦Y⟧⟦e⟧⟦a⟧⟦r⟧! 🔍⍤⃝🔎💜⟭⟬⟬⟭ Profile picture
💯 percent 🌱 #BTSARMY™ ⟬⟭ 💜 ⟭⟬ (She/Her) NO BTS? NO ARMY? NO OPINION! BTS + WTFIW! 💜 DON'T USE MY Tweet/SS without MY consent! 💜 Backup: @TO4Ever7

Jun 17, 2021, 9 tweets

It's becoming clear to me that Solo fanbases and their brainwashed minions don't care about member's CONSENT! When BH takes a step WHO is HIRED by the members to REPRESENT them, they start victimizing! YET, they PROFIT off the members WITHOUT their CONSENT! 🤬💜 #BTSARMY

No, like are ya for real? Signing a business contract with a company without a member's POWER OF ATTORNEY where they don't get paid a DIME? Who the EFF do ya'll think ya are? What gave ya the right to use BTS's name to do business? Ya'll are serious leaches I swear! 🤬 #BTSARMY

If ya'll even think about supporting it, remember not a SINGLE PENNY will go to the member you claim to love! What's the difference between all the companies leaching off BTS's name and them? We have been fighting them USING BTS and here ya'll supporting this? 🤬💜 #BTSARMY

When a company tried to mooch on BORAHAE, they had to back down PRETTY quick! So if ya'll think ANYONE mooching off our boy is getting away with it, ya'll are kidding! FUNNY how solo handbook came from shady 3's DISGUSTING PRACTICE of undermining CONSENT of IDOLS! 🤓💜 #BTSARMY

Even funnier that they think the fanbase is SPENDING money! Like how? The airline will earn money off flight tickets and Fanbases will get commission off tickets! So them getting money! Ya'll think fanbases are PAYING AIRLINES for THEM to earn money? Are ya'll DUMB? 🤓💜 #BTSARMY

It's the same victimizer crowd who thought BH should PAY AMERICAN CHANNELS for THEM to continue to earn money from BTS's Performance! 🤓
No, keep our artists' video! And yes, also the revenue from it! And please let us pay ya to earn money! Pay artists? What's that? 🙄💜 #BTSARMY

About PUBLIC Transportation and PRIVATE Transport - here's the difference! Spot it if ya can! Guess who is getting the profit in these cases? 🤓💜 #BTSARMY
Local Govt. Run Private Company Run
Profit builds Infrastructure COMPANY gets profit

But in this case, unlike Disney, BH NOR Jimin get ANY PROFIT! They were SOOOOO concerned Jimin being exploited by BH, yet have no problem when a Fanbase exploit him without him getting ANY MONEY? So all supposed concerns were FAKE to mooch off him YOURSELF instead! 🤓💜 #BTSARMY

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