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Jun 17, 2021, 8 tweets

Should lobbyists be required to declare they’ve donated to political parties on the UK lobby register? We’ve found lobbyists Sir Lynton Crosby & business partner Mark Fullbrook have given £221,000 to the Tories personally / through 2 companies on UK's consultant lobbyist register

Sir Lynton Crosby and Mark Fullbrook are both political lobbyists and directors for the C|T Group (CT Corporate Advisory, CT Partners).

Combined they’ve given almost a quarter of million to the Tories. But you wouldn’t know this from the UK statutory lobby register.

CT’s director Mark Fullbrook - has personally donated £25,000 to the Tories.

Crosby’s and Fullbrook’s CT Partners Ltd (also known as CTF Partners) have also donated almost £197k to the Tories since 2011, not donating to any other party. They have lobbied on behalf of Aggregated Micro Power, London Hotel Group and National Pharmacy Association.

The group also gave Boris Johnson £23k in “interest-free loans and donations” in the run up to Brexit.

And the company was paid £4m for Theresa May’s election campaign.…

In addition, “Tory election guru” and Australian political strategist Sir Lynton Keith Crosby ran Boris’ mayoral election campaigns and several other overseas campaigns for right-wing parties.

There’s no assertion Crosby or Fullbrook acted illegally or improperly by donating to the Tory party while registering to lobby on behalf of other companies. Nor is there evidence their lobbying secured contract wins for their clients...

But @allthecitizens feels it important all potential conflicts of interest be addressed in the name of transparency. This includes lobbyists listing all their political donations on the register, and companies represented by them being forced to declare such in contract bids.

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