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Jun 17, 2021, 7 tweets

Today’s rumour.

They can agree it’s British Airways, but everyone has a different number of pilots...

2, or 4, or 3, or 5?

Where does the story come from?

Someone has found this photo, which shows books of condolence for four British Airways staff.

BA has confirmed to Reuters that it’s genuine, but none of the deaths were linked to vaccination.…

One of the photos seems to be of this pilot, who died from Covid after many months in hospital.

If that’s right, it’s so wrong that his image is being used to try to convince people to not get vaccinated…

‘Doctor Poo’ Gillian is on the case 🤪

Now Robin Monotti has joined in.

Story was too boring for him so there’s a heart attack on landing added...

Gillian has lost it...

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