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The most consistent left back there ever was. Tweets a steady 7/10 every week. Last surviving signing of the Paul Le Guen era.

Jun 17, 2021, 25 tweets

The hypocrisy and double standards at play between Rangers fans and Scotland fans gathering; a thread.

* disclaimer - I support both sets of fans enjoying massive occasions but the reactions are vastly different

Humza Yousaf in May vs today

Nicola Sturgeon in May vs now

Chris McLaughlin. No such warning for Scotland fans today it would seem. Weird.

The SFA - because Rangers had to do more remember? The SFA’s statement today:


John Swinney in May vs John Swinney today

Daily Record again

And again.

Ian? Anything to say pal?

Ah he’s in for a bit of a surprise is ol’ Sadiq Khan. Those pesky members of the Tartan Army. The wee rascals!

Graham Spiers in March and May

Graham Spiers today: 🤷

Radio Clyde. Again.

Daily Record once again. Standard.

The Scottish National AKA the Beano for delusional adults.

Expect Ross Greer to continue to say nothing.

Patrick Harvie wanting football shut down in May vs his statement on Scotland fans in the last 24 hours

STV with two tweets six minutes apart. It’s all a good laugh lads. Remember the clean up cost story next week though.

Heart Scotland News.

Ah I see Nicola Sturgeon has eventually tweeted so I’ll update this to be fair. Thoughts on the crowds Nicola? Ahh... got it.

Humza’s had a go at the fans now in fairness. Nah only joking.

This belter from the Daily Record is worth another share.

Rab Douglas said the scenes earlier this year of Rangers fans gathering was disappointing. So you’d imagine he’d be equally disapproving of the Tartan Army this weeke- oh.

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