Tiana Lowe Profile picture
Wedding crasher. Commentator @DCExaminer, @TheFirstonTV. Formerly @NRO, @USC_Econ Review. Kafkaesque. Don't say I didn't warn you. ig: @TianaTheFirst

Jun 19, 2021, 9 tweets

Physical brawling breaks out in front of the Western Conservative Summit at a Denver Hyatt after members of Antifa threatened to break my phone for reporting on their protest.

To be clear, I identified myself as a journalist, not an attendee of the conference, and they’re protesting on a public street

Antifa has already smashed one camera, tried to smash the camera of an attendee, and threatened to smash mine.

Those white and green lights self-identified members of Antifa are flashing at me? They’re intended to break my phone’s camera and blind me by burning my retinas. I do have a mild headache, but I stayed mostly safe by leaving after men told me they would break my phone or else

Antifa now surrounding the lobby of the Hyatt and shining retinal-burning lasers into the building. This comes after a standoff with dozens of cops

Antifa members are now banging the windows of the Denver Hyatt hosting the Western Conservative Summit. No sign of the cops on this side of the building.

This clip really grasps the whole ambiance. What the lasers look like when shot in your direction, the supposed feminists calling a female journalist a bitch, one of the early suggested threats that Antifa would break my phone.

Antifa hounded the Denver Hyatt hosting the Western Conservative Summit for more than 3 hours, devolving into unrest including punches thrown, private property damage, threats against journalists, and a stand-off with cops deployed to protect the building. washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/denver…

Antifa flashed lasers at us journalists covering their public protest to try and break our cameras and burn our retinas. Even after we retreated upon their promise to break our phones, they continued to beat the building & shine lasers into it. washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/denver…

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