Mike Hixenbaugh Profile picture
Senior reporter @NBCNews | Author of THEY CAME FOR THE SCHOOLS | Co-creator of SOUTHLAKE & GRAPEVINE podcasts | Peabody winner & Pulitzer finalist

Jun 20, 2021, 6 tweets

Lots of focus on Gov. Abbott vetoing funding for the legislative branch, but that was just one of 21 vetoes this session, including for several bills with broad bipartisan support. This one would have required Texas students get lessons on preventing domestic violence.

This one would have prohibited criminal courts from relying on statements obtained via *hypnosis*. You read that right: Hypnotizing people is still an acceptable investigative technique in Texas. (Be sure to read @lmcgaughy’s work on this interactives.dallasnews.com/2020/memory-ro… )

This one would have made it easier for people convicted of crimes when they were teenagers to be released on parole.

This one would have made it illegal to leave a dog chained up without adequate water, shade or shelter. It also would have banned the use of heavy chains.

This one, aimed at saving bees, would have created a program to encourage solar farms to *voluntarily* create bee-friendly natural habitats.

The complete list of Abbott’s vetoes can be found here: lrl.texas.gov/legis/Vetoes/v…

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