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Jun 20, 2021, 30 tweets

1/Just for fun, here's a thread comparing retrofuturist art from the mid 20th century with the reality today!

Some sources of art:



2/Robot warehouses

3/Distance learning

4/Wristwatch TV

5/Global remote job search

6/Driverless car

7/Electronic home library

8/Robot waiter

9/Electric car

10/Voice controlled cash register

11/Universal video surveillance

12/Non-invasive radiation surgery

13/Robotic farms

14/Tissue culture meat

15/Office of the future with mini-fridge and computers

16/Fancy downtowns with outdoor dining

17/Beach vacation with strange vehicles

18/Restaurants with self-ordering

19/Home of the future with tasteless glass-bottom pool and iPad

20/Flash Gordon rocket ship


22/Face shield masks

23/Riding mower with cab

24/Super-fast futuristic train

25/Giant vegetables

26/Excessively large TVs

27/Modern social relations

28/Spending way too much time in the bathroom

29/Elon Musk and Grimes

30/Stay tuned for more!


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