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Jun 21, 2021, 6 tweets

THREAD: Sex abuse rituals at NJ boarding school exposed — in cartoons by survivor

Cartoonist Glenn Head’s new critically acclaimed graphic memoir recounts his two traumatizing years at the now-defunct, Mendham, NJ boarding school, “Chartwell Manor.”

Former headmaster “Sir” Terence Michael Lynch is known as a serial sexual abuser who manipulated young boys into “cuddling sessions” after fondling and beating their nude bodies. Five decades later, Head’s memoir could help bring justice to his fellow victims.

Head told The Post, “I’ve been in touch with some alumni — and a lot of people I knew who were kids then committed suicide or are dead from drug overdoses. Others [got into] criminal things. A lot of that grew right out of that school.”

Because of a vow of silence among students, many parents didn’t learn of Lynch’s sadistic abuse until after the disgraced school was shut down in 1984. Accusers testified, and Lynch pleaded guilty in 1989. He was in and out of prison but is now believed to have died at 77.

Meanwhile, the release of “Chartwell Manor” could help bring compensation to survivors who were too traumatized to testify in the past. “Claims must be filed by Nov. 30. Hundreds of [people] have already come forward… You are not alone,” said attorney Greg Gianfocaro.

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