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Diaspora monitoring disinformation & hate speech in India. #ANBI committed to #EUtransparency #WePayOurInterns #WePayOurVolunteers #StandupForHumanRights

Jun 21, 2021, 11 tweets

On 12 June, PM Modi was the ‘lead speaker' for the session on Open Societies at the G7 Summit. He asked G7 to uphold democracy, right to assembly, freedom of expression, transparency, digital inclusion.

Meanwhile, the situation in India:


@accessnow's #KeepItOn report shows that India under PM Modi has made its mark in the world, quite literally as the country is consistently a top performer in the internet shutdown race. 2/11

#HYPOCRISY101 #YouthIsWatching #WalkTheTalk

@G7 @BorisJohnson @JustinTrudeau

@freedomhouse’s Freedom in the World 2020 report ranked India as the ‘Countries in the Spotlight’ for the “deterioration of basic freedoms”. India moved down 10 points from 2017 and has been given the status of a ‘partly free’ country. 3/11

#HYPOCRISY101 #YouthIsWatching

@vdeminstitute’s Pandemic Backsliding Project data shows that between March to December 2020, out of 144 countries India ranked 3rd in the Pandemic Violations of Democratic Standards Index. 4/11

#HYPOCRISY101 #YouthIsWatching #WalkTheTalk

@alviinaalametsa @UNHumanRights

@vdeminstitute’s data on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly in 2020 shows that on the scale of 0-4, India got a 1.83 score meaning State authorities sometimes allow peaceful assemblies, but often arbitrarily deny citizens the right to assemble peacefully. 5/11


@wef’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021 ranks India under PM Modi at the 140th position among 156 countries. Needless to say, all other countries at the G-7 Summit have performed better than the country governed by PM Modi and his party. 6/11

#HYPOCRISY101 #YouthIsWatching

According to NCRB report on Crimes in India 2019, the BJP-ruled state of Uttar Pradesh topped charts for crimes against women and girl children under the POCSO, dowry cases, it also has the highest number of crimes reported against Dalit women. 7/11


In @RSF_en's 2021 World Press Freedom Report, India ranked 142 among 180 countries with a score of 46.54. It was noted that “India is one of the world’s most dangerous countries for journalists trying to do their job properly”. 8/11

#HYPOCRISY101 #YouthIsWatching @G7

@tatatrusts’ India Justice Report 2020 gives a visual comparison of how India performed in the @TheWJP’s Rule of Law Index 2020. It can be seen that Indian citizens do not have favorable conditions for the realization of their rights and freedoms. 9/11


India under PM Modi has been ranked 86th in the Corruption Perception Index by @anticorruption. In the Global Corruption Barometer, in which Transparency International surveys experiences of everyday people confronting corruption around the world. 10/11


As diaspora in western democracies enjoying freedom of expression, access to the internet, we are pained to see the situation in India under the 'lead speaker'. 11/11

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