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Jun 22, 2021, 7 tweets

TUNE IN to a special #360OS #ACFrontPage conversation with @DFRLab Senior Fellow and former Wikimedia CEO @krmaher, moderated by @BrandyZadrozny…

Wikipedia "started from a position that it needed to earn trust, rather than having institutional trust… It invites the public in to say when we get things wrong. I think that that's one thing that institutions should be looking to emulate." #360OS #ACFrontPage 


“Wikipedia isn't a free expression platform. It's about creating content that people can have confidence in and use to make determinations in their lives. So that right to have access to high integrity content often trumps the right to speech.” #360OS #ACFrontPage


Equal access to a shared body of knowledge is a really radical idea in many parts of the world. So how does @Wikimedia operate in those places?

Former CEO @krmaher shares examples of how Wikimedia protects its content and editors around the world. #360OS #ACFrontPage

Former @Wikimedia CEO @krmaher tells @BrandyZadrozny, "In saying that all content is neutral, all information is equally valid—I don't care if you're reading about pop stars or philosophy—it changes the way we approach the product to serve our readers." #360OS #ACFrontPage

How did @Wikimedia manage a novel pandemic and an election plagued with disinformation? Former Wikimedia CEO
@krmaher shares with @BrandyZadrozny in a special #360OS #ACFrontPage conversation.

“My vision of what Wikipedia can & should be is what I said earlier: the epistemological backbone of the Internet. There is no other source of high-quality information that so many people rely on in so many languages as sort of an omnibus place.” #360OS #ACFrontPage


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