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Jun 22, 2021, 6 tweets

LIVE - A #360OS discussion on disinformation in Africa featuring @awildknight, @daddyhope, @RMAjayi, @thandismith, and @k_ramali.

This year, multiple African leaders have throttled internet access.

"What we've seen is that activists will always use a platform. It doesn't really matter if there's a ban. If the Internet itself is switched off, they will figure out a way to use it."


“One key reason why governments shut down the internet, particularly during elections, is their inability to control narratives and their poor understanding of online harms and how to address them.” #360OS


"It's the domestic players, the religious figures, domestic actors in political militias, armed groups that use the difference and dialect to kind of hide their speech from the moderators or the content moderation automation system." #360OS


On Zimbabwean social media being silenced while combatting corruption: “It seems the majority of the accounts that have been closed down are linked to democracy activists. They're linked to progressives or people in civil society or journalists." #360OS

👤|@daddyhope, Journalist

“An African approach to you know, solving our own problems is really the best way to go. We can't rely on existing tools because we are where are and it’s clearly still a problem, so we need far more innovative solutions.” #360OS 


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