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Jun 22, 2021, 8 tweets

In case you're wondering where 'One Britain One Nation Day' has come from:

It's not a government campaign. It's run by a guy called Kash Singh. He trademarked it in 2005, when he was a policeman.

It's sprung to attention because the Department for Education tweeted this today.

Various Twitter commentators positioned it as "Boris Johnson's" strategy, and claimed it was organised by the "Union Unit".

It is not Boris Johnson's strategy, and the overall idea has been around since 2005, so obviously not created by the (2019/20 founded) Union Unit.

It's actually popularised by Philip Davies MP and Esther McVey MP (who are married).

Philip has known Kash Singh for many years (Philip is MP for Shipley; Kash is a former West Yorkshire policeman, and lived in nearby Keighley)

This year, Esther McVey brought it up at Prime Minister's Questions, asking if Boris Johnson would support Kash Singh and OBON.

Yesterday, Philip Davies followed that up, asking Gavin Williamson if he'd endorse it and thank Kash Singh.

He did so, as you can see in this video.

Obviously, Boris Johnson had already given it a nod at PMQs, so Gavin Williamson would have to also support it when asked.

Gavin is Education Minister, which is why, a day later, the Dept for Education twitter account would put out this (now heavily ratiod) tweet.


- Not a govt campaign
- Been round 15 years, run local to Esther McVey & Philip Davies constituencies for at least the last few
- This year they've successfully nudged their friend Kash & 'OBON' onto Boris & the DfE

Expect jokes on Friday & it to become an annual topic

As an add-on, a few have noted OBON had an all party parliamentary group. It *seems* that was fairly short-lived, though I guess could be reborn.

@andreajenkyns (another West Yorks MP) launched it with Kash in 2018, but it had already gone from the register of APPGs by Sep 2019

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