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Jun 22, 2021, 8 tweets

NEW: We reviewed the 7 most far-reaching Republican voter suppression laws enacted this year.

Passing the #ForThePeopleAct would invalidate roughly 2/3 of their attacks on voting access.

The only way to save democracy is for Democrats to act. This is what's at stake:

Georgia’s infamous SB 202 remakes almost every element of the state’s election laws to make it harder for people of color to vote.

The For The People Act would end its onerous voter ID requirements, restore ballot drop boxes, and block partisan poll watchers, among other fixes.

In Florida, the #ForThePeopleAct would overturn much of Gov. Ron DeSantis and the GOP's assault on voters.

It would prevent the destruction of the state's mail-in voting list, stop extreme voter ID requirements, and end the criminalization of ballot delivery.

Iowa was the first state to pass an extreme voter suppression law this year.

The For The People Act would overturn Iowa’s new limitations on drop boxes, ban on ballot delivery, and harsh limits on sending absentee ballots.

Arizona — home of the conspiracy theorist-run “audit” — has also passed a number of voter suppression laws.

Republicans voted to end the state’s ultra-popular permanent vote-by-mail list and to make it harder to correct a ballot.

Both these laws would be overturned.

It got even more difficult to vote in Arkansas this year due to stringent new voter ID requirements, absentee ballot limitations, and a signature matching program.

Each would be blocked by the #ForThePeopleAct.

In Montana, after a clean Republican sweep, the GOP legislature decided to further restrict ballot access.

The state ended same-day voter registration and now requires *two* forms of ID to vote in many cases. Both would be blocked by S 1.

In Kansas, a Republican supermajority overrode Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto to enact a slew of new voter limitations and make a major legislative power grab.

The For The People Act would stop this election rigging in its tracks.

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