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Jun 23, 2021, 11 tweets

TUNE IN for a #ACFrontPage event with @BrianDeeseNEC, Director of the National Economic Council, as he presents a detailed view of the Administration’s strategy to build domestic industrial strength.…

❝We meet today at a unique, #InflectionPoint for American economic policy…Our economy is growing at the fastest growth rate in almost 40 years…This is a direct result of our vaccination effort & our fiscal response.❞#ACFrontPage

👤|@BrianDeeseNEC, National Economic Council

❝Our private sector and public policy approach to domestic production that has prioritized short-term cost savings over security, sustainability, and resilience are coming to afore. In short, this was the wake-up call and we need a new approach.❞ #ACFrontPage


❝The approach of our competitors and allies has changed rapidly. We should be clear-eyed that China and other countries are playing by a different set of rules…We cannot ignore or wish this away.❞ #ACFrontPage

👤|@BrianDeeseNEC, @WhiteHouse National Economic Council Director

In today's #ACFrontPage conversation, @WhiteHouse National Economic Council Director @BrianDeeseNEC shares the 5️⃣ core pillars of the new 21st Century Strategy for American Industrial Strength:

1) Supply chains
2) Public investment
3) Procurement
4) Climate
5) Equity

1) supply chains

❝We need to work with allies & partners. Resilience doesn't mean closing ourselves to the world. Partnerships with allies that promote more stable access to key inputs while improving environmental sustainability & workers’ rights is essential.❞ #ACFrontPage

2) Public investment

❝We’ve proposed the largest civilian investment in public R&D on record -- $180 billion – as well as a $100 billion investment in America’s workforce, including a targeted, sectoral-based approach to workforce development.❞ #ACFrontPage

3) Public procurement

❝The approach to public procurement has opened up new innovation and is just a glimpse of the power that a comprehensive procurement policy brings. We have proposed an almost $50 billion investment.❞ #ACFrontPage

4) Climate resilience

❝This is not just about winning domestically. We know that globally, clean energy is going to be one of the fastest-growing markets.❞ #ACFrontPage

5) Equity

❝We must learn from our historical mistakes. Prior economic transformations have not brought everyone along. By doing it this time, we will advance our economic competitiveness.❞ #ACFrontPage

Read @WhiteHouse National Economic Council Director @BrianDeeseNEC's full #ACFrontPage remarks here:…

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