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@CSPAN Capitol Hill Producer. Reads Congressional Record every day. Former @RTCACapitolHill Chair. Philly fan since birth. @AmericanU. #FlyEaglesFly

Jun 23, 2021, 8 tweets

President Biden today delivers remarks at the Washington National Cathedral funeral for former Virginia GOP Senator John Warner, who died May 25th at the age of 94.

Virginia Democratic Senator Mark Warner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell with wife former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, and Senate President Pro Tempore Patrick Leahy are attending the funeral for the late Virginia GOP Senator John Warner in DC this morning.

House Speaker Pelosi is attending the Washington National Cathedral funeral this morning for the late VA Republican Senator John Warner.

John Kerry speaking with Mitch McConnell at John Warner's funeral.

Lynda Bird Johnson Robb speaks with House Speaker Pelosi

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam with Virginia Congressional delegation dean Bobby Scott.

President Biden and the First Lady with McConnell and Leahy at John Warner's funeral.

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