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Jun 23, 2021, 6 tweets

#360OS is LIVE - Chinese tech in the world w/ Puma Shen, @alexandriasaha, @joshchin, @lotus_ruan, and moderator @isaacstonefish…

"I call it investment strategy, which means that [China] tries to invest in the entertainment enterprise, the PR firms, and try to have them to help them spread disinformation locally in their country and here in Taiwan." #360OS 

👤|Puma Shen

"The party in Xinjiang shows is what can happen when States use technology with no limits to exert control on the population. It's not just control, but it's actively trying to shape a population's behavior and identity." #360OS


"The biggest myth about censorship in China is that the system is often portrayed as a top-down monolithic system where the party or state has full control over what social media companies sensor." #360OS

🎧Listen as @lotus_ruan explains how information control works in China:

"I think that the most important thing to remember is that if the goal is to counter China's tech influence in Africa, better alternatives must be offered." #360OS


Should you delete TikTok from your phone?

@lotus_ruan discusses how private companies collect and use data:

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