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Jun 23, 2021, 7 tweets

#sis India case study πŸ“š

Security & Intelligence Serv is directly and indirectly engaged in rendering
1-#security and related services consisting of manned guarding, training, and indirectly engaged in paramedic and emergency response services;loss prevention, asset protectionπŸ›‘οΈ

2-#facility management services consisting of cleaning, housekeeping and pest control management services in the areas of facility management;

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3-#cash logistics services consisting of cash-in-transit, ATM cash replenishment activities and secure transportation of precious items and bullion; and alarm monitoring and response services consisting of trading and installation of electronic security devices.


#key perfomance indicators -

The gowth of last 5 year in #profit is mind-blowing , more then 50%

#PAT - πŸ‘‡
#ROCE -πŸ‘‡
#ROE - πŸ‘‡


#future vision - πŸ‘‡
#customers - πŸ‘‡


The #Australian acquisition was a key driving factor of the security services business and contributes about 60 per cent to the segment revenue. While Australia has steady growth prospects, the Indian security services market is ...

Technical chart πŸ“Š - #sis India Ltd.

Above - 480 good πŸ‘Momentum will come.

Potential #MultiBagger

*View only for education πŸŽ“ purpose not any kind of advice.

Views are appreciated πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

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