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Jun 23, 2021, 8 tweets

The Lincoln administration implemented a policy of “pure Jacksonian removal” of the Dakota from Minnesota, “a dispossession that went far beyond a ‘relocation’”:

Thomas Jefferson proposed an ‘“Indian Amendment’ by way of an idea he called ‘removal,’ the wholesale transfer of tribes from their eastern lands to the West”

Here’s a Lincoln administration official and Minnesota’s governor both calling for genocide against the Sioux during the Civil War:

“What united the [American West during the Civil War] was not a confederation of Indians but rather the pervasive white fear of one.”

The 1862 Dakota War in Minnesota “was one of the very few encounters between whites and Indians that had not ended in a complete rout of the latter… the Dakota had killed 93 white soldiers and between 400-600 white civilians while suffering only a few dozen fatalities.”

'It's a troubling piece of Minnesota's past: Thirty-eight Dakota men hanged from a Mankato gallows in December 1862. Their deaths scarred generations of native people and cemented Minnesota as home to the largest mass execution in U.S. history.'…

The 1862 Dakota War resulted in “a toll on whites exceeding that of any other Indian war in American history.”

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