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Jun 23, 2021, 6 tweets

Sikh extremism in Canada has been in the news lately, but the Kanishka bombing particularly looms over the Canadian Government as nothing has been really done, no convictions yet and this happened in 1985. Sardar Ramnik Singh, a true Sikh on this disgraceful act by Babbar Khalsa.

According to Sardar Ramnik Singh Ji politicians in Canada like Jagmeet Singh and his party idolise the culprits of this bombing. They’re as heroes out there and it’s all vote bank politics. It’s not that they’ll get Khalistan but keeping the movement on gets them votes & power.

Sardar Saab explains the nexus of drug mafia, money and politicians. How it works and money is channelised back to India to support agitations like the farmers protest etc.

The Kanishka Bombing was on June 23rd, 1985 and the case started in 2003. The politicians in India favour a show respect for Laden, Hafeez Sayeed etc likewise these guys are respected in Canada, US & UK. The recent case in Australia of Vishal Jood is the same, he objected to…

..the disrespect shown to the Indian tricolour. He’s in prison..again political. Recently there was a video from Canada where a brawny man knocked down an Indian, this man was supposedly related to Jagmeet. Now the Canadian people are also fed up with the violence.

Khalistan is a campaign run by Pakistan & these Sikhs abroad are running it for their political mileage there to garner votes from the Sikhs living there. They should infact ask Pakistan for the areas of Punjab there for Khalistan..they’ll back out & forget about Khalistan.

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