Ned Pyle Profile picture
Principal PM. Former USMC 0341. Chicago Tavern style. You may know me from SMB, SR, SMS, DFSR, & AD. Or not. I'm me, not my employer. Be anti-racist

Jun 24, 2021, 10 tweets

“Who has no thumbs & loves flowers? These gals!”

“I’m picking out my headshot for my Hollywood agent. Should I go silly or serious?”

“Hey Indy, did you hear about the rock singer who just sat there during concerts? His name was Billy Idle!”

“Flowers: hunted!”

I mean there were some good ones

Nifty trees on this walk too

“Not a cloud in the sky & I still managed to get soaking wet on the walk, lol”

Dad trying to get a pic but rabbits way more interesting

“Weenjoyed walking in the shade, it’s about to get too hot here for dogs!”

“Thanks for reading our hump day walkies thread, seeya again soon!”

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