Boo Su-Lyn Profile picture
CodeBlue Editor-In-Chief. I also tweet on democracy and social issues, besides health. Political ideology on economy (center right), social issues (liberal).

Jun 24, 2021, 6 tweets

Nearly 14% Of Covid-19 Fatalities This Year Were Healthy

This year saw a gradual increase of Covid-19 fatalities without comorbidities in Malaysia, reaching about 16% in June up to June 19.…

527 people without comorbidities died from Covid-19 in Malaysia this year up to June 19, or about 14% of 3,877 total fatalities.

May and the first 19 days of June saw a steep increase in Covid deaths at 1,290 and 1,552 fatalities respectively, along with non-comorbid deaths.

Of the 527 people without underlying health conditions who died from Covid-19 this year up to June 19, nearly 85% were Malaysians.

The highest rate of Covid-19 deaths without comorbidities this year up to June 19:
- Labuan (261 deaths per million population)
- KL (43)
- Melaka (26)
- Selangor (25)
- Negeri Sembilan (20)

The highest proportion of Covid-19 deaths without comorbidities this year (up to June 19) was among those aged 15-24 at 31%, or 4 of 13 total fatalities.

More Covid-19 fatalities w/o comorbidities, however, were recorded at 103 and 244 deaths in the 55-64 and ≥65 respectively.

The highest proportion of Covid brought-in-dead without comorbidities was reported in the 15-24 age group at 15%, or 2 of 13 total deaths.

But higher numbers of BID w/o comorbidities were recorded among people aged ≥65 years at 52 deaths, followed by 45-54 age grp (41 deaths).

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