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Jun 24, 2021, 9 tweets

Learn JavaScript by playing games.

A Thread 👇

1️⃣ CodinGame

CodinGame offers up fun free games to help learn more than 25 programming languages, including JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP.


2️⃣ CodeCombat

CodeCombat is aimed at helping students embrace learning as they play and write code from the very start of their adventure. 📎

3️⃣ JSRobot

Learn JavaScript by playing a platform game: Control a robot to collect coins, avoid obstacles and reach the flag at the end of the level.


4️⃣ Codewars

Code Wars helps you improve your skills by training in challenges with others. They offer a huge variety of languages, including JavaScript, Python and more. 📎

5️⃣ Elevator Saga

Elevator Saga tests your JavaScript knowledge with challenges related to moving an elevator and transporting people in the most efficient manner possible.


6️⃣ Crunchzilla

Crunchzilla offers interactive tutorials that get people excited about programming. Play with code, build, and learn.


7️⃣ Screeps

It's an open-source game for programmers. You control your colony by writing JavaScript.


That's all for this thread. If you found this useful, consider retweeting the first tweet. It would mean a lot to me. 😊🙌

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