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Jun 24, 2021, 8 tweets

PM Modi's big meeting on #JammuAndKashmir today

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi holds meeting with #JammuAndKashmir leaders in Delhi

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi's all-party meeting with #JammuAndKashmir leaders concludes

"The talks were held in a good atmosphere today. The Prime Minister heard our issues. PM said that the election process will begin when the delimitation process finishes": J&K Apni Party's Altaf Bukhari after meeting with PM Modi (ANI)


#JustIn | PM told J&K leaders he is committed on restoring statehood of Jammu and Kashmir: Sources


"The meeting was held in a very cordial manner. We came out quite positive that hopefully there will be some delivery for the people of #JammuAndKashmir": People's Conference leader Sajjad Lone (ANI)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with Jammu and Kashmir leaders following an all-party meeting today (ANI)


"All political parties presented their opinions. I think that in the time to come, the political process is going to begin. Election will also be held after the delimitation process": Kavinder Gupta, BJP after PM Modi-J&K leaders meet (ANI)


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