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Jun 24, 2021, 5 tweets

The school board of Virginia's wealthy Loudoun County had planned to hold a routine meeting to close out the school year.

Instead, it was pandemonium 1/5

Many of the hundreds of parents who flooded the auditorium in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., on Tuesday night were there to accuse the schools of teaching their kids that racism in America is structural and systemic - which the board denies 2/5

The evening grew so heated that the board walked out of the room, leaving sheriff's deputies to disperse the crowd 3/5

Loudoun has been roiled by accusations that it has embraced critical race theory, a school of thought that maintains that racism is ingrained in U.S. law and institutions and that legacies of slavery and segregation have created an uneven playing field for Black Americans 4/5

The school system says it is simply training teachers, the majority of whom are white, to be 'culturally responsive' to serve the county's increasingly diverse student population by @jamesoliphant and @gabriellaborter 5/5

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