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I tweet about NFTs and Web3. Co-Founder @GenCityLabs & @NFHeroes.

Jun 24, 2021, 10 tweets

10 000 unique artworks?! That must take FOREVER!

THREAD: Image generation for NFT collectible projects.

🚨 Disclaimer: Some technical jargon ahead 🚨

STEP #1: Decide on a concept and perform market validation ✅

STEP #2: Have an AMAZING team of artists bring the concept to life! 🙏 .@MadBoogieArt & .@mz09art

STEP #3:

Save each asset as a separate file. ⬇️

Background assets as JPEG/PNG files.

Remaining assets as PNGs to PRESERVE TRANSPARENCY. 👻

➡️ This will be important when layering files.

STEP #4: We need a script to GENERATE COMPOSITES.

The Python 'Pillow' library is well suited to this. ✅

Use NESTED FOR LOOPS to run through each variation, and add them together using ALPHA_COMPOSITE.

This would generate every possible combination! 😱

Visual representation of what's actually happening in the code. ⬇️

We DON'T actually want EVERY COMBINATION though.

STEP #5: We want to RANDOMLY GENERATE combinations, with VARIABLE DEGREES of specified rarity.

We need to rework our approach! ⬇️

Thankfully, Python RANDOM library has a way to achieve WEIGHTED RANDOMNESS. 😎

New plan: ✅
1. Choose WEIGHTINGS for each TRAIT, within each CATEGORY.
2. Randomly select traits based on above weighting to generate a TRAIT COMBINATION.
3. Ensure no duplicates.
4. Render image.

Repeat as needed ➡️ Image set complete ✅

Some additional tricks are available for generating the JSON Metadata at the same time. 😎

Comment below/ DM if you need help with this, or any other step described above. 🦾

If you found this thread helpful, please:
1. Retweet the 1st tweet 🔥
2. Follow .@BoringBananasCo to support our project 🍌

Huge THANK YOU to our artists .@MadBoogieArt, .@mz09art and our developer .@berkozdemir

Update ⬇️

For everyone interested in the source code for the .@BoringBananasCo project, the full GITHUB repository is now available in our discord 🙂🔥

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