Brad Heath Profile picture
DC reporter for @reuters on crime and justice. Ex-@usatoday. Data, documents and "convoluted KGB style back-door" stuff. 202-527-9709,

Jun 25, 2021, 8 tweets

One of the last remaining lawsuits seeking to overturn the 2020 election ("Gondor II") seems to have run into a snag. The plaintiffs' lawyer says he used to have evidence to prove their case, but doesn't anymore because of a "saboteur in their own camp."

He then goes about impeaching the person who was going to provide all the evidence to prove the case (and also apparently raise money for other lawyers).

You may recall that this was the case in which a lawyer in Texas asked a court to basically throw out two of the three branches of government, lock in President Trump's policies and assume control of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

Anyway, the lawyer, Paul Davis, told the court that he raised money from the public to pay for this case, but he spent it serving the hundreds of defendants.

Though, also today, DOJ notified him that service of 500+ federal defendants was improper and must be done again.

Davis represents to the court that he *used to* have evidence to prove his claim of a vast RICO conspiracy to steal the election involving all 50 governors, 535 members of Congress, secretaries of state, etc., but he doesn't have it anymore.

So he'd like some extra time.

Whereupon he starts spitballing litigation strategy on the public docket.

He also filed an email from the supposed saboteur, but blacked most of it out, including the person's identity, so it's not clear exactly what a court could make of that.

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