Ned Pyle Profile picture
Principal PM. Former USMC 0341. Chicago Tavern style. You may know me from SMB, SR, SMS, DFSR, & AD. Or not. I'm me, not my employer. Be anti-racist

Jun 25, 2021, 10 tweets

“Hello twitter pals!! It’s been pretty hot so today’s walkie thread is short but very sweet, let’s do it!”

Imagine being this happy all the time

“Darby makes good shade, lol”

“I’m the best at hiding”

A beautiful day with great flowers & nice houses

Wonderful foliage too

You don’t see a lot of topiary here

Blooper reel

“I command you to stop and notice some flowers this week, rawr!”

“It’s going to be too hot for walkies the next few days but we have a special surprise on Saturday, we hope you check back then, seeya!”

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