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Jun 25, 2021, 6 tweets

Derek Chauvin, the ex-Minneapolis police officer, will be sentenced for second-degree murder on Friday.

Here is what you need to know ahead of the sentencing ➡

Neo-Nazi group defaces statue of George Floyd in New York City, according to police

In some parts of the US, the police kill Black people at six times the rate they kill white people - and the cause lies in the deeply racist beginnings of the police force itself.

How racism has been a feature of US policing for centuries ➡️

George Floyd’s family 'anxious' ahead of testimony in Derek Chauvin's sentencing

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"If you could you say anything to your daddy right now what would it be?"

"It would be I miss you and I love you."

George Floyd's 7-year-old daughter Gianna, gave her victim impact statement during Derek Chauvin's sentencing ⤵️

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“Briefly, though, I do want to give my condolences to the Floyd family.”

Derek Chauvin extended his condolences to George Floyd’s family during his sentencing in court. 🔴LIVE updates

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