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@CSPAN Capitol Hill Producer. Reads Congressional Record every day. Former @RTCACapitolHill Chair. Philly fan since birth. @AmericanU. #FlyEaglesFly

Jun 25, 2021, 5 tweets

Kamala Harris arrives for her first visit to US southern border in El Paso, Texas since being sworn as Vice President in January.…

VP Harris in El Paso: "We are here today to address and to talk about what has brought people to the US border, and again to continue to address the root causes which cause people to leave and often flee their home country."

DHS Secretary Mayorkas: "It is my responsibility as the Secretary of Homeland Security to address the security and management of our border. As everyone knows, we faced significant challenges back in March. We've made extraordinary progress."

Senate Judiciary Chair Durbin (D-IL) in El Paso with VP Harris: "When you look at the challenges of immigration today, one of the greatest challenges is Congress who has failed to pass any significant change in immigration laws in 35 years. We have a broken immigration system."

El Paso, Texas Democratic Congresswoman Escobar: "I have a heart full of gratitude because we finally have an Administration willing to tackle the big challenges..and that means starting with root causes and understanding what's driving people from their home."

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