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We're a nonpartisan, nonprofit watchdog that advances truth, accountability, and democracy by enforcing the public's right to government records.

Jun 25, 2021, 8 tweets

The Arizona Senate released new records to us related to its partisan “audit” in Maricopa County.

The documents reveal new details about the involvement of outside companies as well as the role of Sen. Fann in preparing for the operation. #FOIAFriday…

As in previous productions released in response to American Oversight’s requests for records, the latest documents show Fann fielding emails from conspiracy theorists.…

In one email sent less than two weeks after the presidential election, an individual asked that Fann appoint new electors to overturn the state’s results. Fann forwarded the email to legislative staff and wrote, “Hmmmm.”

The elector-replacement scheme was similarly floated in a Nov. 12 letter to Fann from members of the Oklahoma State Senate, who wrote:

In an email from early March, former Arizona GOP chair Randy Pullen emailed Fann with a proposal explaining how the group Audit USA would conduct the ballot recount.

The head of Audit USA made news in early May after telling a journalist that they were looking for bamboo fibers thanks to a conspiracy theory about ballots having been smuggled from Asia.

We’ve been investigating Arizona’s bogus review and the “Big Lie” that’s fueling it. We previously obtained records that revealed Donald Trump called Fann to thank her for pushing to prove any fraud. Follow our investigation here:…

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