Mal_Torres Profile picture
Texan from Bama, USAF Ret, disabled vet, LOCD Chair #CommonDefense #DemCast

Jun 25, 2021, 9 tweets

Here we go Chauvin sentencing with victim impact statements & I'm a mess listening to George Floyd's daughter. 💔

Nephew speaks on his family's pain, requests maxium & thanks the court.

Asks Chauvin "Why?"
))))strength(((( 😭💔

Last victim impact statement George's brother. (No reaction from Chauvin, he is sitting back in his chair with even breathing. The judge is leaning towards the victims as they speak). 😭💔

The only reaction I've seen from Chauvin has been a 'slight head shake' as Matthew Frank described the first of four aggravating factors.

'Abuse of trust' & then back to the no blinking stare with slight flush.

Hard blinking and looked away when Frank was describing children being present and witness.

Oh FFS, Did mom try to guilt the court?

"When you sentence him, you'll sentence me."

(WTAFF 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬)

Chauvin gives condolences to family.

Court recesses to complete sentencing document. The breathless reporting from Court Tv is really gross. 1445

(Got to switch to NBC)

Count 1,

270 months sentence based on abuse of power and cruelty shown to George Floyd.

22.5 years
No guns for for rest of life.

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