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Canada is about$1.5 Trillion in the hole because of Trud, he let the the virus in, No vaccines, just lies, cover-ups.... I am voting CPC - you should too.

Jun 26, 2021, 16 tweets

Merchant was an early supporter of Chrétien’s leadership ambitions. This time, he and his family are lining up behind Michael Ignatieff. it is accepted wisdom in Sask legal circles that during the Liberal years Merchant was able to influence who was appointed to the federal bench

Merchant - He was an early supporter of Chrétien’s leadership ambitions.(This time, he and his family are lining up behind Michael Ignatieff.

Revelations a well-known Canadian lawyer — and husband to a sitting senator — moved $1.7-million to offshore accounts while battling the Canada Revenue Agency are the latest in a long history of headline-making incidents involving the couple.…

2 - week suspension - oh wow ------- 😔--serious.! The Regina lawyer and well-known Liberal, however, is probably best known for earning millions from the $1.9-billion native residential schools settlement.

According to the Globe and Mail, in 2007, the Supreme Court of British Columbia, awarded one of Merchant’s clients more than $300,000 in damages and punitive charges after the judge determined Merchant Law Group had wrongfully billed them $250,000.

the implementation of a deal designed to redress one of Canadian history’s greatest wrongs----To his critics, including many native groups, he’s a relentless self-promoter who exploited vulnerable clients in his quest for the big cheque.

When a reporter comes to visit, he arranges to meet in his wife’s Senate offices. The walls are decorated with photos of Merchant, and sometimes Pana, with Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chrétien and other heavy hitters from the Liberal glory years.

Merchant’s Liberal pedigree can be traced back several generations. His grandfather and mother were both members of the Saskatchewan legislature. He won election himself in 1975, and staged an unsuccessful bid for the provincial Liberal leadership the next year.

He was early supporter of Chrétien’s leadership ambitions.(This time, he and his family are lining up behind Michael Ignatieff.)And it is accepted wisdom in Sask legal circles that during the Liberal years Merchant was able to influence who was appointed to the federal bench.

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