Munya Mudhumeni🇿🇼🇿🇦 Profile picture
Sales Agronomist National Tested seeds | Horticulture expert | consultant |

Jun 26, 2021, 5 tweets

achieving uniformity in Cabbage

Choose a Good hybrid variety F1

Do a float tray nursery system

Transplant after hardening & before its overgrown

Basal fertiliser should be applied before Transplanting average of 30g per planting station

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Understand the Maturity period

Split apply top dressing into 3 main applications recommendation of 5g per plant

Recommended Top dressing Ammonium Nitrate and or calcium Nitrate

In winter Calcium absorption is faster

For best results also drench on one of the applications

Make sprays Religious, choose a weekday specific for sprays eg every Monday of the week

Spray fungicides & insecticides on rotation don't repeat the same chemicals week in week out

Scouting has to be done frequently
Avoid insect damage at all times

Crop should be weed free

Spacing is determined by expected head size

Small heads means a higher plant population over 35 000heads per ha

Medium sized heads to large means a lower plant population around 30k to 33k at most ... Spacing 50 x 60cm or
60 x 60cm

Avoid J rooting when transplanting

When it's summer, make it a must to plant on ridges or Raised beds

Leaching is a headache when rainfall is at peak , raise Ridges upto 40cm from the Ground

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