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vintage computers, tubes, the MOnSter6502, cross-sectioned electronic parts. coauthor of ⚠ please read

Jun 26, 2021, 14 tweets

another day, another trip to Excess Solutions in San Jose!

oooh a VESA bus multi IO card!

this multi IO card comes with "DATA SECURITY & VIRUS PROTECT" 😂

neat! a VESA bus graphics card!

there are a bunch of other neat cards in here. clearly @Foone hasn't been here yet😂

I'm not buying all of them, don't worry lol

ooh look software

a pink floppy disk. where the heck are you Foone

MS-DOS 3.2 🤔


trans x95 clones? 🤔

windows 95 on floppy disk!

while chatting with the employee at the register, he told me that he designed a component of the Pivot display while he was at Radius. then I remembered the LGR video. small valley!

what I needed to buy there today / what I came home with 😂

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