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vintage computers, tubes, the MOnSter6502, cross-sectioned electronic parts. coauthor of ⚠ please read

Jun 26, 2021, 9 tweets

today I picked up some VESA Local Bus graphics cards. it's time to test them out and benchmark them!

first I'll start with a generic Trident 16-bit ISA cards for comparison.

oh almost forgot: how about the Graphics Gremlin? it's very very s l o w

a SIIG with the CL-GD5429 chip.

this S3 805 didn't work at first. but after reseating the RAM chips, it worked fine.

the Tseng Labs ET4000AX didn't work at all. maybe it's this broken resistor array

the Tseng Labs ET4000W32 is quite speedy!

now for the last card, the S3 Trio32. it's a bit slower than I expected.

the software is TOPBENCH.

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